The Queen’s Birthday long weekend really is a festival of HAIR! And we had a ball sharing our LOVE for everything styling.

I had the pleasure of comparing the Main Stage during Hair Expo Sydney. It was so great to watch all the fantastic talent backstage before each show. Then it was back to what I love the most: STYLING! At the Amazing Hair Australia Stage, showcasing their incredible extensions, I created a Kimino Chignon.
It’s such a popular look at the moment, so I wanted to break it down and show how easy it is for you to create this look with the help of clip-in extensions and my NEW Kingpin. A HUGE thanks to the people from KELA for supplying the beautiful pearls that draped this look.
It’s such a popular look at the moment, so I wanted to break it down and show how easy it is for you to create this look with the help of clip-in extensions and my NEW Kingpin. A HUGE thanks to the people from KELA for supplying the beautiful pearls that draped this look.

It’s very unusual for me to arrive at a presentation with no models and only my laptop in hand!

Over the past few years you may have learned about my formula on how to charge for Bridal Hair.
I decided to take this idea further during the Hair Expo Sydney, and with the help of a great friend of ours – Matt Bebe – turned it into an easy to use business program for hair stylists and makeup artists.
This was a great way to launch my NEW business planner!
The Build Your Business Planner can help you determine – in just a few questions – what styling level you’re currently working at. It then offers you advice on how to grow to the next level, or maintain your skill set.
The next stage guides you to work out exactly how much you should be charging, personally, for a Bride, Bridesmaid, Flower Girl & Mother of the Bride. We even help you work out your travel costs.
The planner then moves into budgeting and planning for education and marketing. Finally, we help you map your projected and actual earnings for the future – including an invoice template.
It was so exciting to finally launch our planner and what better way to do it than as part of the Business Program at Hair Expo!

We started the day on the Main Stage with Brad Ngata showcasing the GlamPalm hot tool range.
The 2 looks I shared were both from this year’s EVOLVE collection.

- Makeup – Mariella Minniti
- Designer – Adela Zemanova
- Models – Kimbery Mclaughlan & Alana Quartly
- Hair Extensions – Amazing Hair
Styling Products used – UNITE Elevate Mouse, UNITE Texturiza spray, UNITE U Argan Oil, UNITE GO365 spray

Now, onto one of the highlights, of not just the weekend, but of my education career:
The Gen Next Show

Since February I’ve been making the road trip down to Gippsland TAFE to mentor 6 apprentice hairdressers for Gen Next.
None of the students had ever been to Hair Expo or even seen a hair show before. Our first meeting was sharing the storyboard created by the AMAZING, talented Claudia Williams. She created a brief for the garments she would design especially for the show.
From this storyboard we then started our own secret Pinterest board, and started to brain storm!
We quickly recognised our theme was LIVING DOLLS (still gives me goose bumps).
On my next visit I had a whole box of human hair wigs from Amazing Hair Australia (of course) and a box of styling products from UNITE. We workshopped how to prep and work with the wigs; we also had to make sure the looks were all different shapes.

Over the next few visits there was a mix of excitement and nerves. I don’t know about you, but I think nerves are good because it means we really care about what we’re doing! The students each worked with a Gippsland TAFE teacher and worked many hours in-between my visits.
Now let’s talk about the makeup – AGAIN the work of Gippsland TAFE students led by their teacher. Their work blew me away! They stayed to brief – and on the day, to time too!The models and show production was all the work of the wonderful Sally Clark.
WOW – Sally really brought our show to life. The models were all ballerinas, and with just a few rehearsals NAILED IT! Thanks Sally, you are amazing! Before the show we did a full photo shoot of every look with photographer Jason Lau
Now its show time – OMG the energy in the prep room was electric!!!


Look & Learn Theatre – From the Camera to the Salon – with Jason Lau

This is personally my favourite stage to showcase my work, as we have a whole hour with the audience.
We had 3 pre-done models that we shared in a live photo shoot. We also went though our HOT TIPS on creating your own salon collection. At the end of the session we shared all the class notes straight to the attendees Messenger. If you would like a copy of the notes click the link below and comment ‘camera’ in the comments.

Styling Stage – Deconstruct/ Reconstruct

This was a perfect way to end our Hair Expo Sydney presentations, showing how the 3 finished looks were created for the Live Shoot. I am totally in Love with the Bushels Braid at the moment and showed the audience how I created it.